Sat Apr 28 20:10:59 EDT 2007 Contributed patches added to patches directory. --8<-- libmba A library of generic C modules Fri Apr 29 01:21:04 EDT 2005 libmba-0.9.1 released Forgot ./ in front of mktool in Makefile and tcase/Makefile need -lutil. I also fixed a typo and removed the mailing list links from the webpage. Thu Apr 28 04:12:31 EDT 2005 libmba-0.9.0 released Portability has been improved greatly. The library has been compiled and tested (albeit not extensively) on OSF1, HP-UX, Linux, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD with gcc, DECC, and aC++. The bitset(3m) module macros have been converted to functions so that using expressions as arguments (e.g. i++) does not result in undefined behavior. Some semantics have also changed (e.g. return values are different). A debug module has been added that provides some useful backtrace oriented functions but it is not documented because it is specific GNUC on i386. The linkedlist_insert_sorted function has been modified to support a context parameter that is passed as-is to the supplied cmp_fn defined in hashmap(3m). The compare_fn type has been removed. The msgno(3m) module has been significantly reworked. The MSG, MNO, and MNF macros have been renamed to MMSG, MMNO, and MMNF respectively to reduce namespace collisions. There is no longer a dependance on variadic macros. The code is now highly portable. The MSGNO macro is no longer used -- msgno is now enabled at all times. A path_name function has been added to the path(3m) module. Some parameters of shellout(3m) function have been changed from unsigned char to char. The CSV module will now exclude carriage returns preceeding newlines in elements. A variety of bugfixes have been applied. A SUBA_PTR_SIZE macro has been added to the suba(3m) module that evaluates to the size of the cell backing the suba allocated object. The SEM_UNDO flag has been been replaced with O_UNDO to avoid possible collision with other O_* bits. A varray_index function has been added. Sat Aug 28 00:42:30 EDT 2004 libmba-0.8.10 released Two minor bugs have been fixed in the csv module and the eval(3m) module has been modified to support a user supplied context parameter. Also a WIN32 build issue has been fixed -- libmba builds cleanly in Windows again (debug options by default). The bitset_find_first function will set errno to ENOENT if the target bit is not found. The associated documentation has also been updated. Some issues regarding the initialization of svsem semaphores have been fixed. The module should now properly handle the initialization race outlined in Stevens' UNPv2 in addition to the scenario where a semaphore is removed during initialization. Fri May 21 18:22:20 EDT 2004 libmba-0.8.9 released The sho_loop function now acceptes a pattern vector and timeout like sho_expect. The cfg module has been modified to more closely support Java Properties escape sequences for spaces and Unicode characters. Sat May 8 19:05:59 EDT 2004 libmba-0.8.8 released The diff module has been added and the path module is now documented. Wed Mar 10 02:01:51 EST 2004 libmba-0.8.5 released The hashmap_remove function did not work as advertised and could cause other functions to subsequently work improperly. The CSV functions now use a flag instead of the trim parameter to permit controlling how quotes are interpreted. To preserve the previous behavior it will now be necessary to specify CSV_QUOTES. The domnode module has been deprecated. Libmba no longer depends on Expat. Other modules are being considered for removal as well. Previously the svcond_wait function could return without returning reaquiring the lock if a signal was received. This bahavior has been changed so that the function will return if a signal is recieved but will not return without relocking the specified semaphore if the signal is EINTR. This will likely need further adjustement but it satisfies my current use cases. Sat Jan 3 02:28:14 EST 2004 libmba-0.8.0 released Three have been significant additions and changes. There are seven new modules; allocator, suba, bitset, hashmap has been reimplemented, svsem, svcond, and time. Many constructors now accept the specification of an allocator. Many constructors and deconstructors have changed. Many ADTs can be initialized from memory provided by the user and many function pointer parameters have changed. There are "clean" functions (not completely implemented yet) designed for use with the allocator's reclaim_fn. Wed Oct 15 04:39:40 EDT 2003 libmba-0.7.0 released Microsoft Windows support has been improved. The Win32 debug build now properly creates DLLs with PDB information for listing source code after a memory fault. The standard __cplusplus macro guards have been added. Macros for prefixing __declspec(dllexport) directives have been added in favor of an explicit DEF file. These changes have been performed during the development of a non-trial MFC application so this release should work smoothly in a Win32 or MFC environment. The text module appears to work as advertised although a few adjustments have been made. The csv module has been converted to support the text module text handling. The multibyte function is now csv_row_parse_str, the wide character function is csv_row_parse_wcs, and the csv_row_parse function is now a macro that accepts tchar parameters. The prototypes of these functions have also been changed to accept the specification of the separator that is used (e.g. '\t' rather than ','). A new eval module has been added that will "calculate" the value of an expression such as '(5 + 3) * N', '(10+10-((10*10/11)|(10&10)))^0xFF78', etc. The msgno functions have been adjusted to perform better in environments where variadic macros are not supported (e.g. MSVC). Mon Aug 25 15:02:44 EDT 2003 libmba-0.6.15 released There have been significant and pervasive changes however to emphasize that all of these changes are binary compatible I have not incremented the major version number. All code that uses the published interfaces of libmba should work without modification. The most significant change is the addition of src/mba/text.h which contains many macros that abstract wide and multi-byte string functions. Depending on whether or not USE_WCHAR is defined the string functions defined in text.h will accept wide or multi-byte strings. This will permit programs to run using wide character or local dependent multibyte text behavior. Some of the libmba modules such as cfg have been converted to support both wide and local dependent multi-byte text using the new tchar typedef. Do not be alarmed that these prototypes have changed. Because this typedef is defined as either unsigned char or wchar_t you can continue to use these modules without using tchar at all. If however you choose to take advantage of this new I18N functionality please read the following document for important information: The test suite has been cleaned up considerably. Just run make followed by the generated tmba program in the tcase directory to run all tests. The build process has been formalized further. The code is now compiled using -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500 meaning SUSv2/UNIX98 but most of the code does not require this standards level. In fact #ifdefs have been added to consider lesser environments although they have not been thoroughly tested. Finally, a path module has been introduced. Currently this module contains one function; path_canon which canonicalizes a pathname. The state machine design is very safe when given the full range of possible inputs (see tcase/tests/data/ Sat May 17 16:30:37 EDT 2003 Multiple bugs have been fixed in the csv module. Mon May 5 23:44:43 EDT 2003 There have been siginificant bugs fixed and changes. The iterate and next functions of the linkedlist, cfg (now documented), hashmap, pool, stack, and varray modules now accept an iter_t object defined in new mba/iterator.h header to hold the state of an iteration. These modules now permit multiple iterators per object and are fully reentrant. The library has been profiled with ccmalloc. Several memory leaks have been detected and repaired. The shellout module was not freeing the struct sho * in sho_close. The linkedlist_insert_sorted function (now documented) did not free a struct entry * if it was the first element and the replaced parameter was specified. The cfg_store function did not close the file pointer it opened. The cfg_del function did not delete the struct cfg *. The linkedlist_remove_last function did not free the struct node * if the list contained only one element. The linkedlist_get function has been optimized for forward-sequential access (an O(1) operation now whereas previously it was O(log N)). It may also be faster for non-sequential access altough it will likely be slightly slower for reverse-sequential access. A small cache of 2 elements is used to save pointers recently accessed elements. The cache is adjustable with a change to the source but 2 elements is probably optimal because it covers the case of two nested iterators. The linkedlist_insert_sorted function has been reviewed and documented as an official part of the linkedlist interface. As mentioned previously a memory leak in that function was found and fixed. Tue Apr 29 16:08:21 EDT 2003 A csv module has been added. This module properly parses the CSV format in that it can handle quoted elementes, quotes within quoted elements, and commas and quotes withing quotes. It should be able to handle anything exported by Excel or Gnumeric (but don't quote me on that :-) Tue Apr 1 19:18:39 EST 2003 The varray module did not zero out the array pointing to allocated memory chunks. This could lead to dereferencing an invalid pointer. The bug is fixed in this release. Sat Mar 22 04:51:01 EST 2003 libmba-0.5.0 released This release introduces the varray module which is a "variable array" that dynamically allocates storage in increasingly larger chunks are elements of an index are accessed. The documentation has also been improved. Fri Dec 20 00:30:32 EST 2002 libmba-0.4.7 released A pool module has been added for reusing objects that are costly to create like large buffers, database connections, etc. Sat Nov 23 01:16:43 EST 2002 libmba-0.4.6 released A symbol was left out of the MSVC .def file and a mailing list has been established for questions, suggestions, and patches. Sat Nov 16 17:53:42 EST 2002 libmba-0.4.5 released A cfg module for loading and storing properties files has been added, portability has been improved, and the web page, API reference, and man pages are now generated with the CStyleX package. There have also been numerous other small adjustments to the code. -- INSTALLATION Edit the 'prefix' line in the Makefile and run: # make install If you only require a select module, some can be extracted from the package without too much work. On other platforms it may only be necessary to adjust src/defines.h. With everything turned off in defines.h the code is ANSI although natrually all possible combinations have not been tested. >>IMPORTANT<< The msgno module is disabled by default. To activate it, define the MSGNO macro before including the msgno.h header or set it with a -DMSGNO compiler flag. See README.win32 regarding Windows installation.