CStyleX XSLT Genereated Documentation for C Libraries htt://www.eskimo.com/~miallen/cstylex/ The CStyleX package provides ref.xsl, man.xsl, and proj.xsl XSLT transforms that will convert an XML input file describing a library of C routines into an HTML Reference, man pages, and project webpage. Examples include: http://www.eskimo.com/~miallen/domc/ http://www.eskimo.com/~miallen/libmba/ http://www.eskimo.com/~miallen/encdec/ CStyleX does not attempt to parse C source or headers. The author must create an XML input file that conforms to a certain syntax (see xml/SYNTAX.txt) and run 'make' to output the documentation. An XSLT processor is required. The Makefile is configured to use XT (http://www.blnz.com/xt/). The exact instructions are as follows: o Unpack CStyle-0.1.0.tar.gz in your project directory and rename it to 'docs' (or something appropriate). This directory contains the following: Makefile - Makefile to build the HTML reference, man pages, or project web page man - Directory in which generated man pages will be written README.txt - This file ref - Directory in which generated HTML reference will be written www - Directory in which the project web page will be generated xml - Input source XML, "blank.xml" to start new interface descriptions, and man.xsl, ref.xsl, and proj.xsl XSLT transforms xml/SYNTAX.txt - Hierarchy of tags to aid in creating a valid input files. See other input files from example projects like http://www.eskimo.com/~miallen/libmba/dl/docs/xml/cfg.xml o In the xml directory, cp blank.xml to a file appropriately named for the interface of your library. Change and add to this "blank" interface definition. Use SYNTAX.txt and other examples (libmba, domc, encdec libraries) as a guide. o Change the entity references in xml/ref.xml to include your interface definitions. If you have only one interface in the reference you can simply choose to ignore the framed index.html. If you have many interfaces from different packages they can be included in ref.xml to make one big API reference. o Edit the Makefile to reference the input files and make the docs. If you get "character not allowed" errors check your entity references. Characters like '>' or '&' need to be escaped in XML with entity references like '>' and '&'.